
slice of imperfection

if you think you're perfect, then you're not supposed to be here.



don’t ruin me

It’s my first time in a long time that I decided to be a rebel again. I semi lied (‘coz I only told my boss half the truth. Though I was stuck in traffic, it was really my fault I woke up late) I didn’t go to work and dragged my sister into watching a movie (The Scorch Trial) and spending half a day in a spa on a Tuesday.

If technology ruins romance it made my day great! just a simple flick on the phone and I get my free movie pass! Three hours later and we’re headed to Wensha spa where I went naked in public and flaunt my flabs and hard earned fats 😀 My sister and I spent few minutes at the sauna before skinny dipping in the jacuzzi and stuffed ourselves with a number of variety of japanese and filipino dishes. Another round of sauna and jacuzzi and off we went to a very relaxing whole body massage.

Ok, I am not really gonna rave about that experience, done that couple a hundred times already. Actually, I am kinda feeling a little bit confused right now. I hate when someone is playing with my emotions. I’m very vulnerable. I thought I can play this game of flirting but there’s only too much I can handle.

I always anticipate the thought of him going online and seeing me and he would say hi and flirt I’m gonna act like a school girl blushing and smiling alone. I am writing this now while looking at that small chat screen hoping I’d see him type a message for me and I’d answer back.

I hate this.

My Guilty Pleasure

Bags, Shoes, Watches

I will not disclose how many pieces I own now. Ok, I think I have a little more than a dozen bags, at least 30 pairs (not really sure) of shoes and nine or 10 pieces of watch. But we’re not going to talk about those things. I don’t want to sound indulgent with the fact that while I can afford to have these, others lack.

What I’d like to share is… I have a new watch! A limited edition Eraserheads watch released by Team Manila bought to me by my sister 😀

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See my screen at the background? that is somewhat related with my previous post, 😆

Continue reading “My Guilty Pleasure”


I know, I know I haven’t been updating my blog as promised, but can you please give me a chance to explain myself first?? puhleaseeeee??

So, I am back to playing travian again. Again because I started playing this game back when I was in congress and this kills my boredom <<< for lack of better word to describe my downtime at work which is…not so very often.

Back then I just play this game like it was a military version of Sims. 😆 Yes, I love Sims. I remembered one time, I cried because I wasn’t able to login for I think two days and I forgot that I was baking a cake before I slept and when I came back… 😥 😥 😥 my Sim died and her house got burned to ashes!
Continue reading “AUX”

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